About Us

HandMade Beauty is a Clean Beauty Brand, Non Toxic Nail Polishers and Organic and Natural Beauty Centers.

HMB started in 2012 as the first Organic and Natural beauty Center in Madrid; being the pioneer in Spain for bringing awareness and introducing to clean beauty and non toxic products in to the Market.

Today, we distribute our products in Europe, South America and now entering in the US Market.

We opened an office in Miami in November 2018, and In September 2019 we are presenting our new Vegan Cosmeceutical Facial Beauty Brand to the US Market, following to the European Market.

We are opening a Center in September to start the Franchise business Model in Florida and continuing in NY.

In Madrid we are present in our Flagship Store in one of the best areas in Madrid, in hotels, spas and other salons that share our philosophy, as well as in Anthropologie London and many concept stores, hotels and Spas throw-out Europe.

Our philosophy is to bring to our client an holistic experience in our Beauty centers, honest and clean beauty products to have at home and workshops to teach and make people more aware that beauty is a result from health, balance and products with clean ingredients.